Be Proud of Us!

09 mei 2024 | Thierry Baudet

Every day it becomes ever more obvious that there is really only one party which is actually dissident - only one party which actually opposes the policies of the cartel and its media.

There is only one party in the Netherlands – and perhaps in Europe - which thinks fundamentally differently across the board. From the disastrous EU (FVD stands for Nexit!) to NATO's absurd proxy war against Russia. 

From Covid-19 to the climate and Nitrogen policy. 

From aesthetics and art to colonialism and traditions.

FVD is the ONLY party which for that reason is NEVER allowed to appear in the mainstream media. Never. Not in newspapers. Not on TV. Not on the radio. Not at debate evenings. Nothing.

Meanwhile, every day the talentless Joost Eerdmans, with his one seat in parliament, gets to spin his sleepy footnote comments ("so constructive! ")on the current policy.  Caroline van der Plas, with her "Farmers’" party can sit in on one talk show after another to show how much she actually agrees with the status quo.  Geert Wilders is carefully hyped up since he thoroughly weakened his position and made it clear that in the end he is ONE OF THEM.  All the while, people keep quiet about the one party that really wants something different.

The one party which really thinks about it. Which publishes books, brings reports to the surface, makes in-depth analyses and calculates for example the (dramatic) consequences of the ill-considered closing of the Groningen gas field, which receives international guests at its congresses with thousands of visitors; the party that is BY FAR the largest on ALL social media, and by a distance of many tens of thousands is the largest membership party in the country.

That party. With North Korean discipline, the mainstream media toes the line: you do not speak with those people.  You do not engage in conversation with the. What they do is not allowed, cannot be done: is not allowed in our country. Do not give them a platform. Do not  let them speak.

That party is FVD. It is our country's only opposition party. Be proud of us! And see how afraid of us they apparently are. Unbelievable. What a farce! 

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