Forum for Democracy prosecuted for criticism of immigration and LGBT

09 oktober 2024 | Forum for Democracy Intl

Freedom of speech is coming under increasing pressure. For years, criticism of mass immigration has been socially discredited and declared taboo. The same goes for criticism of the LGBT agenda. In fact, the “wrong” opinion - or, in other words, not in line with the mainstream - on these topics is now in danger of being  literally criminalised.

Indictment for campaign videos

Forum for Democracy is being prosecuted for group defamation, incitement to hatred and simple defamation as a result of two videos produced during its election campaign for the 2023 House of Representatives elections.

The first is an 11-second video in which FVD points out the impact of woke ideology on young children. The second is about the asylum crisis and its consequences. Both videos set out Forum for Democracy’s party positions.  They are also an expression of sentiments widely held among the Dutch population and an important part of the social debate.

Both videos are neither shocking nor offensive in nature. Watch the videos below and judge for yourself!

Is systemic criticism still allowed?

The entire board of FVD, consisting of Thierry Baudet, Frederik Jansen and Joris van den Oetelaar, has been summoned for questioning at the main police station in Amsterdam as part of the police investigation. Theo Hiddema, a lawyer and former FVD MP, will act as counsel on behalf of FVD.

The possible prosecution of FVD for this “crime of opinion” raises the fundamental question of whether criticism of mainstream ideology is still allowed in the Netherlands or whether we are moving toward an era of official state taboos and censorship.

Freedom of speech

If it is up to FVD, it may never get this far! We unequivocally stand for freedom of speech - the highest value in a functioning democracy. Forum for Democracy will always continue to fight for this.

That is why we ask you to support us in our fight for freedom and democracy. Your support can make the difference - join FVD and strengthen our movement, or make a donation to our campaign for free speech.


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