FVD delegation visits International Women’s Congress in Cologne

09 oktober 2024 | Lidewij de Vos

This weekend a Forum for Democracy delegation visited Cologne. The occasion was the International Women’s Congress held on Saturday 5 October and organised by the new Europe of Sovereign Nations (ESN) party. At the invitation of Irmhild Boßdorf MEP (AfD/ESN), Lidewij de Vos, among others, travelled to our neighbouring country for a congress day devoted to Women and Work.

Europe of Sovereign Nations

FVD has recently become part of ESN – together with AfD (Germany), Reconquête (France), Mi Hazank (Hungary), Revival (Bulgaria), SDP (Czech Republic), Republika (Slovenia), New Hope (Poland) and TTS (Lithuania). Although FVD did not win a seat in the last European parliamentary elections, it is still part of this new European alliance. In many ways, our social movement and infrastructure sets an example for our partners. For example, the delegations from Germany, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic present in Cologne were interested in our ForumApp – a platform where like-minded people can find each other through a chat, service and sales function, among other things.

Mass migration and LGBTQ

Apart from the theme Women and Work, there was room to discuss other subjects as well. Special attention was given to the consequences of mass migration for young European women and Bulgarian MEP Rada Laykova (Revival/ESN) spoke about woke ideology. Our international allies were shocked to hear that FVD as a party might even be prosecuted for criticising both – and that FVD-party leader Thierry Baudet was questioned by the police the day before.

Patriotic allies

Our party considers it very important to forge alliances with other patriotic, anti-globalist parties, even in an international context. On the one hand, we can strengthen each other in our fight against Brussels bureaucracy, mass immigration, climate and LGBTQ policies, and so on. On the other hand, we can learn from each other in terms of networking – and work together to protect and restore the culture and sovereignty of our European nation states.


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