Multipolarity, Conspiracies and Stratagem
20 december 2024 | Prof. dr. h.c. Hei Sing Tso
The Globalist elites are now facing a great challenge - the rise of multipolarity as advocated by Alexander Dugin. This phase of multipolarity is an era of great struggle. The trend has been accelerating after the Ukraine and Middle East conflicts broke out. However, even though we can see some progress in beating the globalists, the enemy will not just sit and remain idle. They will keep on reacting with different means.
Recently, there are two contributions that revive the value in studying conspiracies and covert affairs. The first is from Julian Assange. His theory of conspiracy is unconventional. Assange argues that conspiracies are not run by a few men in a secret room. Instead, there is a network of traders of secret information. The information will be only valuable if kept secret within this close network. Surprisingly, a member may not be aware that he is part of the conspiracy at all. Conspiracies can happen everywhere in business and politics, nationally and globally. Within the network, there are links having thick information flows, making them the engine for the whole conspiracy. To Assange, a conspiracy is an emerging entity and cognitive device. It can outthink the same group of individuals acting alone, take information from the environment, pass through the network and act on the result.
The second contribution is the subject of deep state. The study on deep state can be traced to a German scholar, Ernst Fraenkel. Indeed, Carl Schmitt embraced this concept and recently scholars have developed a related discipline known as para-politics. Some have argued that deep states only flourish in those nations with fascist history such as Italy but Swedish political scientist Ola Tunander pointed out that even Sweden has a tradition of deep state. The deep states in different Western nations have close connections with the big brother deep state in the U.S-the capitalist-military-security complex.
When talking about conspiracies, many people treat them as a product of the magination, or as a hobby of those obsessed with UFO, occultism and the paranormal. The above two contributions have made clear that conspiracies, or covert manipulation, have played a larger role than we assumed in global affairs. It is quite naïve to turn a blind eye to the existence of covert powers. As said before, globalists are facing great challenges from the rise of multipolarity but they will not retreat easily. In my view, covert struggle and tactics will become more essential for resistance.
Assange suggested using “leakage” for cutting off a conspiracy network into parts, so as to weaken its power and authority over the conspirators per se. Certainly, investigative journalism still plays a critical role to combat cover-ups, scandals, corruptions, etc. Apart from the courage of journalists, I suggest we can equip ourselves with more tactics.
In this article I want to discuss how Traditional Chinese Stratagems can be applied as tactics in covert struggle in the era of multipolarity.
First of all, I want to introduce the basic dialectic of Chinese cosmology from the Book of Changes, or I-Ching. According to I Ching, the universe is composed of two polar forces, Yin and Yang. Yin means Woman, Moon, soft, weak, etc while Yang refers to Man, Sun, Hard, Strong, etc. Yin and Yang form a dialectic wholeness. Yin will transform gradually to Yang and vice versa. Traditional Chinese Stratagem emphasizes the Yin part of dialectics. In terms of politics and struggle, Yin means convert means, hidden way, and even conspiracies. In Chinese stratagem thinking, conspiracies are normal in human affairs. In other words, we can apply some principles of Chinese stratagem to combat conspiracies, deep state, hidden operations, etc.
- Secrecy
Chinese strategy emphasises secrecy. There are two aspects here. Firstly, we need to know the secrets of our enemies. This is intelligence work. I think investigative journalists can play a similar role. Therefore, the “leakage” tactic suggested by Assange should be used with careful planning. Some information collected may be reserved and not made public if it is of strategic value for other operations. Secondly, our own actions should be kept secret. If conspiracy is secret, counter-conspiracy should be kept highly secret, otherwise our enemy may launch preemptive attacks.
- Bizarreness
In Chinese strategy, “bizarreness” embraces the unconventional, the unpredictable, surprise, creativity, etc. In all conspiracies (including deep state or networks), there are one or more cores that are controlled by only a few people. The flow of orders and directions to the outer operators may take more time than in formal and legitimate organisations. If we can use unpredictable and unconventional tactics, the conspirators may not be able to catch up and respond promptly, making the conspiracies less effective.
- Dialectic Change
As mentioned above, Yin does not stay as Yin forever. It has a tendency to change to Yang because Yin has the seed of Yang. Conspiracy is hidden, so it is a Yin entity. However, it has a tendency to change to be open and seen. Tactically, we need to find the seed of Yang and activate it to germinate, so that the whole conspiracy will push up to the surface and burst into the open. Assange’s use of leakage is an external approach, while Chinese strategy resorts to an internal approach. What the seed of Yang is depends on the particular conspiracy. It is something that urges or motivates the conspirators to give up secrecy - money, emotion, etc. We may use different means to promote such internal drive for exposure. It is an indirect stratagem.
- The art of borrowing
There is a very special Chinese stratagem known as “borrowing”. We can even borrow from our enemies. Besides leaking conspiracies, we can borrow from conspiracies. The first way is common. Many conspirators like to distract attention by making others believe there is another conspiracy responsible for the operations. This is known as “scapegoat conspiracies”, mostly used by intelligence agencies around the world. Another borrowing stratagem is to steal the resources of the conspirators. We can firstly create a fake target for the conspirators. They will then use resources to deal with the target. We trade with the conspirators to make the profit gain so as to “rob” their resources!
- It is better to lose!
To win, you must lose first. This seems illogical but it is a wisdom. Sometimes we need to retreat for success. Most global and grand conspiracies have big targets. Take the example of depopulation by different means. The global elites have won the first round to cut down population by vaccination. As a resistance stratagem, we may consider diverting vaccine production to other countries to weaken those global pharmaceuticals with conspirators behind. Also, we should increase attacks on LBGT target. The higher goal is to interfere the depopulation agenda. It is not necessary to fight head to head with the enemy.
Conspiracies are hidden warfare but real. Apart from modern knowledge and tactics, we can learn insights to cope with them from ancient wisdom.