New Year’s wishes to the members of the Mi Hazank (Our Homeland) party

30 januari 2024 | László Toroczkai

Dear compatriots! Dear European allies, Ambassadors, Diplomatic Delegations.

If I have to assess the past year, my task is very easy. Nothing happened last year that really surprised us. Last year also showed that there are only three possible paths for Hungarians and for Hungary.

The first path spans several decades.  It is the path of the liberal parties. This is a path we know very well, so I do not want to say too much about it. Their way is also very simple because they do nothing but betray the country and the nation. They do all this for American dollars. The only difference compared with the situation 20 years ago is that, for the first time, we have received concrete information about this.

This happened not this year but at the end of 2021, during the left-liberal primaries held as the opening act of the 2022 parliamentary elections, when the Mr. Bean of Hungarian politics, Péter Márki-Zay, was kind enough to reveal that 4 billion forints’ worth of US dollars had arrived into their bank account. We have long suspected that this was how they were financed, but there has never been a Mr. Bean like him before to admit it live on air.

Obviously, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Obviously, they are getting much, much more money, and for all this money, these left-liberal parties are doing their utmost to betray Hungary, to betray Hungarians, and in fact to betray our entire civilisation.

Their path is very clear. This is what the Democratic Coalition sets out in its programme. They want a United States of Europe. There is a United States of America, and they want a United States of Europe. Without nations, without a Europe of nations, without sovereignty and without the liberties of the people of Europe. Their policy is as simple as this.

Perhaps it is not worth talking too much about them, but let us point out which parties are part of this left-liberal block. There is the Democratic Coalition, which I mentioned earlier. This party is led by the Gyurcsány family. At least they have some kind of programme, which starts with the idea of a United States of Europe. It is a clear message. 

Then they are followed in order by Momentum, which is a test-tube baby. But this test-tube failed. This is a bungled test-tube baby although the moment of artificial insemination looked pretty good there in Paris, in the presidential palace, when the founders of Momentum, some university students, took photos together with the Macron family - Emmanuel Macron, an employee of the Rothschild banking house, who happens to be the president of France. But the project did not turn out well. They're pouring a lot of money into it too, but it hasn't worked out well. We don't even know the names of the leaders of Momentum.

All those who know who the current president of the party is, I mean Momentum, raise their hands. Okay, for Előd it’s part of your work obligations. So there was one person. Gelencsér or GeRencsér, how do you spell his name? Do you know? So one of their presidents had his electric scooter showered, and then he didn't understand why it was broken. The other one, with shaking hands in the parliament, couldn't deliver his speech in Hungarian.... maybe it should have been written in another language. In Hungarian, at least, he could not read the speech that was written for him. So this test-tube baby is a hopeless case.

And then, if you look for more parties, it's hard to find them, but let me mention one more party from this left-liberal bunch, and that's the Two-Tailed Dog Party. Lest anyone think that this is a third way.

You have to watch the Two-Tailed Dog Party when they are able to govern, when they are able to exercise power, as in the case of Ferencváros, where the vice-mayor is Zsuzsanna Döme, the co-president of the Two-Tailed Dog Party. She is implementing exactly the same policies: LGBTQ and all the other craziness as the other left-liberal parties.

Then there are a few other parties. Perhaps the one worth mentioning from the left-liberal spectrum is Jobbik, which has now even adopted the name of conservatives and would like to return to this side, but even so, the list of their presidents is becoming increasingly difficult to remember. Márton Gyöngyösi is perhaps their current president who, last year, was still willing to vote in Brussels, as an MEP, in favour of the compulsory distribution of migrants.

So this means that, according to the decision in Brussels, they must also be sent to Hungary. They may not want to come here because of the low wages, but they will be forced to come, from Western Europe. So this is Jobbik, do not let anyone think that they will or can return to the nationalist side.

They remain the same unprincipled politicians who they have always been, and at the moment when the party’s president, Márton Gyöngyösi, says something in between two speeches about conservatism, and then he receives a phone call from David Pressman, the American ambassador... who wasn’t invited here today. Then he immediately rushes off to a Seder dinner, he promptly curtsies, and even endures the embarrassment of being sat at the Ambassador's feet like a lapdog, humiliated by the Ambassador for his anti-Semitic remarks of some eighteen years ago.

So there are one or two other parties on the left-liberal side. There is a Jakab Péter party, obviously he belongs to the category of also-ran parties, but he is now ahead of DK from the extreme liberal left side when he instigates against our Hungarian brothers and sisters living in the annexed territories.

So again I would like to remind everyone not to forget that this left-liberal side is still the same, still as united as it was before the 2022 elections. And when they receive orders from their bosses, they will always carry them out, in a subservient manner. But who are these mysterious financiers? Who sent the 4 billion forints, for example?

The simple answer would be that it is the government of the United States of America, the paid traitors of the United States of America that I have been talking about. We might say this, because there are media in Hungary that are publicly created, founded and financed by the US Congress. For example, Free Europe (Szabad Európa), just to mention one of them. Szabad Euró is a multifunctional news portal. You would think that at least they would refrain from irony. Free Europe, created by the US Congress? How free is this Europe?

And we could say that it's really a very simple story, because they have journalists - sorry, CIA agents disguised as journalists in Hungary - who know what kind of enquiries Our Homeland Movement is going to receive from abroad even before we do.

Just a week ago, Szabolcs Panyi, to name just one of the illustrious company, contacted the press department of Our Homeland Movement asking if it was true that Our Homeland Movement had been invited by Russia to be an election observer for the Russian elections in March. I quickly asked around the members of the board: 'Guys, do you know anything about this? Because I have not received any enquiries.’ Nobody did. So we replied to Mr. Szabolcs Panyi, who is a colleague of some kind of news portal with American funding. Two days later, I received a Telegram message from a foreign journalist asking if we would be interested in going to Russia to observe the elections. So the invitation arrived.

The CIA was evidently in a bit of a hurry, contacting us two days early. So it would be easy to say that yes, the government of the United States of America, or let's say the US Congress, is funding these parties in Hungary. However, the situation is much more complicated than that.

If we examine these news portals, we find that they are funded by various international foundations, registered in the US. Some of them are funded by the Rockefeller Brothers, others by George Soros and others. And the question is, who is putting all the money into these foundations? Who is operating this global system? That is the real big question. That is what we should be trying to unravel.

The Our Homeland Movement has been doing this for the last few years.  I myself, using my former investigative journalistic skills, have been trying for years to do what Fidesz, despite its sonorous national policy, does not do.  When I do, I find that George Soros, who is indeed a villain, a speculator, who has already destroyed nations, who has plundered national currencies abroad... I find that he is just a small gnome compared to the rest.

And about these financiers, just to name one or two of them: let's say Blackrock, to name the biggest one, the world's largest asset manager, which alone is worth 10 trillion US dollars.... I repeat, this is not a mistake. I've gotten a lot of these YouTube comments saying that I mistranslated this. No. Ten trillion, it's not a mistranslation. It's 10 trillion US dollars that is managed by this one company alone.

That's more than the entire budget of most nations. And we know the people behind Blackrock. Larry Fink and the others. Why do you never hear from a representative of Fidesz, from Viktor Orbán, about this, or why do we never see them on a Fidesz billboard? Especially if they are behind the left-liberal side, why do we never hear about them?

Well, we don't hear about them because Fidesz is collaborating with them in exactly the same way as the left-liberal side. The only difference is that Fidesz is trying to do business. The left-liberals don't even do that anymore. They have chosen the easy subservient way. Not only do we not hear about them, but it was up to us, Our Homeland Movement, and to me personally, to expose and draw attention to the fact in the National Assembly that the Central and Eastern European headquarters of Blackrock is here, in Budapest.

And not only had Péter Szijjártó participated in the opening ceremony of their building on Váci street, but they also used Hungarian taxpayers' money to support Blackrock. I repeat, the company has assets of USD 10 trillion, which is a lot more than the entire Hungarian national budget, and they have supported Blackrock with the money of Hungarian taxpayers, with the taxes of Hungarian small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. It is absolutely unbelievable.

Let's see, why are these people, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and of course Soros, and all the others I just listed, why are they such a problem? Of course, every businessman, every billionaire can do whatever he wants with his money. The problem with these financiers is that they engage in politics.

I was looking into the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation just this morning, and they all start their introductions, their political activities, by describing what they expect for the money they give as an investment, which of course they get a multiple payback on. LGBTQ etc. rights, migration, compulsory vaccines and so on are neither economic nor financial issues.

What do these billionaire businessmen have to do with this? Who elected them? Who voted for them? How is it possible that they can bypass democracy? How is it that they can decide how people in a country should think? Whether it is about family, traditional male-female relationships, immigration or their own health.

These financiers also have their own umbrella organisations.  The best known one is the World Economic Forum. They have these because, on the one hand, they are shaping the world according to their own financial interests.  But even worse, on the other, they also have dark ideological agendas. And these are the agendas that they talk about openly, for example at their summit in Davos. And we have very, very serious problems with these agendas.

One of the reasons why we have a serious problem is that these principles, this pressure, has led to the war in Ukraine. The fact that there was a coup in Kiev at the end of 2013 is quite obvious. Nobody really questions that. This coup led to many things. A pogrom in Odessa, for instance.

Among others, there are people like the Ukrainian politician Oleksii Goncharenko, whom I was with in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe yesterday. Now the leaders of the Council of Europe, who are basically also the decision-makers of Brussels, have made this man, Oleksii Goncharenko - the Ukrainian nationalist politician who is not only anti-Hungarian, but who was also there in Odessa in 2014 when more than fifty pro-Russian civilian demonstrators were murdered in the Odessa trade union headquarters – they have made him the president of our commission, which deals with the question of migration and of which I am a member.

More than 50 people murdered. That's how democratic the process is, which then led to a war. This war is destroying Europe. The most important consequence of this war is that the European economy is being wrecked. What is also happening is that Ukraine has already been acquired by Blackrock. Volodymyr Zelensky's first trip abroad, when he first left Ukraine after the outbreak of the war, was straight to Washington, just to sign the contract with Blackrock.

Let no one think that a ravaged, bombed, destroyed Ukraine has no assets. Its agriculture is one of the most valuable in the whole of Europe. In terms of its treasures, that country is full of riches. No matter how many of its buildings are being blown up. No matter how many people are being killed there, no matter how many people are being forced into a fratricidal war that did not exist before 2013.

I myself have been to the so-called Ukraine, I have been to Transcarpathia several times, and it was always a relief to go there compared to, for example, Transylvania, where you could always see the glaring conflict between Hungarians and Romanians, even in everyday life. Or in the area of former Yugoslavia, which I also know very well, where the tension between Croatians and Serbs was always palpable. When I went to what is now Ukraine, whether to Transcarpathia or beyond, the people there were still living in the greatest brotherly love in the early 2000s.

Ukrainians, Russians, Hungarians and everyone. Let's not forget that in 1991, the vast majority of Transcarpathian Ruthenes, Russians and Ukrainians wanted to unite with Hungary and not with Ukraine. And here, in just a few years, a terrible, horribly bloody war was triggered, which is now full of hatred. Regarding the war in Ukraine. Our message is very straightforward and very simple. Unlike Fidesz, we do not advocate anything different in Brussels, in Strasbourg or anywhere else in the world from what we advocate here, in Hungary. Our message is very simple.

An immediate ceasefire, peace and a negotiated agreement. And what is of particular concern to us Hungarians, in addition to world peace, is the issue of Transcarpathia. It is because of this referendum in Ukraine that the war is being fought today, because it was this referendum that marked the borders of the sovereign Ukraine of today.

If it were not for that referendum, the Ukrainians would not have anything to claim as to why they are fighting, or why they are sending everyone to the front, down to the last Ukrainian and the last Hungarian. The last Transcarpathian Hungarian.

However, this referendum decided one more issue, and that is the issue of Transcarpathia. The same referendum decided on the autonomy of Transcarpathia, and 80% of the people of Transcarpathia voted in favour. This means, since there are not that many ethnic Hungarians there, that Ruthenians, Ukrainians, everyone voted for Transcarpathia to gain autonomy. Including the district centre of Berehovo, which should have Hungarian territorial autonomy within the Carpathian Basin.

For us Hungarians, and I have already said this to Viktor Orbán in Parliament, their condition for any support for or concerning Ukraine, especially financial support, which Viktor Orbán has now repeatedly offered Ukraine from Hungarian taxpayers' money, is not our condition. Our condition is not that Kiev should solve its own problems.

Our condition, because we are Hungarians, is the implementation of the 1991 referendum: self-government for Transcarpathia with Hungarian territorial autonomy, and if the end of this war will result in the end of Ukraine's statehood, which could happen at the moment, then as the only Hungarian parliamentary party I would like to take this opportunity to state that we have a territorial claim over Transcarpathia.

Let's look at the second path, the second path before Hungary. The left-liberal is the first path, which is not really a left-liberal path, but rather a globalist one, controlled by its financiers. Let us look at the second one, which is the Fidesz’s way. What is this way like? Well, it is very difficult to follow. It zig-zags. They have gone from liberal internationalism to European national radicalism, to what our so-called opponents call far-right European parties. Viktor Orbán has come a long way; we have just seen where he started from as a Soros-funded students in the late 1980s.

But there is a much bigger problem. The real problem is that, if we focus on the past year, the foreign policy of Viktor Orbán and Fidesz is completely incomprehensible. Today, and this is my most important message, you cannot plan domestic policy, you cannot plan Hungary's future without a foreign policy concept.

This is why we have invited our European allies, not all of them, but some of my dear friends, my personal friends, we have invited some Ambassadors, because our message is that no country, not the Netherlands, not Germany, not Bulgaria, not Sweden, not Hungary, can plan a domestic policy in Europe without a concept of foreign policy and without allies.

We saw this most clearly when the COVID dictatorship emerged. But it is the same with migration, it is the same with all the other related issues, it is the same with economic matters. Because, in technical terms, globalisation has already happened. And there are a few - very few - positive consequences. Today most people can get to other countries, they can jump on a plane in a few hours. 30-40 years ago, 50 years ago, this was a rather special phenomenon. Today we get on a plane like we get on a tram. We can explore the world, we can make alliances. Yesterday I could have a debate in Strasbourg, and today I am here with you.  These are positive results.

But there are many more harmful, dangerous, negative consequences. How can we confront all this, all these? By having such a concept. What do we want Europe to be, who do we want to achieve it with, and how do we want to run our own independent sovereign country, in economic terms as well? Who can be our allies in the world?

If we look at the policy of Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian government over the last year, what has happened here is total madness. What has Viktor Orbán done? What has Fidesz done? Thirteen years ago, it was literally we ourselves who proposed the policy of opening up to the East. What has Viktor Orbán done? He has gone everywhere to look for business opportunities, and he has done a lot of business, mainly for himself and his NER (National Cooperation System) circles, I would not list the deals he has done in the world.

Perhaps their residency bond was one of Fidesz's famous global deals, and the Hungarians have “benefited” from it ... this deal even got us into debt. But he did open up to Russia. It was the right thing to do. He opened up to other Eastern super powers. It was the right thing to do. He opened up to Turkey. It was the right thing to do. I will explain in a moment why this is in Hungary's interest. Moreover, in fact, he got Hungary admitted to the Turkic Council.

The thing is, it's just barely enough. It's not enough for Erdogan that Viktor Orbán says that we too are Kipchaks, etc, that's not enough. It is not enough if he then goes onto confront Turkey on all global issues.
But the result is that he loses his allies in the East, he loses Turkey, he loses his allies in the West, he loses everybody, because nobody trusts him anymore. His performance last year, Viktor Orban's foreign policy record last year, is like his political career. It's been a whirlwind, a mess. It may not change as quickly as, say, Gábor Vona's did back then, but every few years or so he changes directions.

In contrast, Our Homeland Movement and I personally have a very straightforward, consistent and decades-old position on our foreign policy. And it is very simple. We must move with the times. We do not have to change. We don't have to change, do we? You must have heard this a lot in the last years, decades, from politicians who really wanted to explain their own political activities by saying that you have to change, that all people change, that politicians, especially party leaders, have to change. No! We do not have to change. Our principles are rock solid. The world is changing. And the world has changed enormously, especially in the last twenty years, particularly in the last eleven or so.

What has happened in the last ten years or so? China has started to catch up with the United States of America economically. It has started to come close. Then Covid hit, and China fell back again. What interesting processes these are. We'll analyse it one day, once we get past the pangolin, as to which animal COVID originated from. Raise your hand if you think Covid originated from the pangolin.
Any votes for the shark?

Bats, who's going to vote on the bats? Good. Who says it's a lab-virus? Minimum. Thank you very much. So China is a little bit behind because of Covid, but now it's starting to catch up with the United States. And what's even more important internationally is the formation of BRICS in 2011.

BRICS is an economic, political and military alliance that can compete with the so-called West. I would like to say a few words about the West, about what the West is. And it is not just about the BRICS. We welcomed here at the beginning of our event, for example, the Ambassador of Qatar. Because the Gulf countries have also started to catch up. In economic terms, it was the Saudi leaders who announced a few months ago that they wanted to replace Europe on the world map, in a few years, in five or six years, both economically and politically.

It is bad news for Europeans but good news for the Gulf States that they have every chance of achieving this. Because Europe is going down, economically, and, in all other respects, while the Gulf States are coming up, and it is no longer only due to their investments, which after all originally came from oil and natural gas.

It's no longer just these investments that are boosting the Gulf countries, but you know, the way this works is that where there is good investment, and where there is a lot of investment, it starts to attract investment from other parts of the world. We see it in Dubai, we see it in other places, the kind of development that this brings, the kind of enormous wealth, the amount of money it brings to these countries. We also have to pay attention to them, especially in economic and commercial terms.

And it is not just about them, but changes have started to take place in many, many parts of the world in general. And in the meantime, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has started. What is Viktor Orbán doing about this? He is going against the whole world, almost. At least against two third of the world. Even the Americans, even the Americans are trying to pull Israel back in this conflict. The only ally Israel has left, apart from its own government, that still wants to push this war in Palestine is Hungary, which votes with the Israeli Government in every international forum.

But at the moment we have two-thirds of the world, in economic terms, and I would say in political terms, which could be our partner, and I will explain how, and this does not include Israel. I would like to hear from Viktor Orbán, what new business and economic opportunities he anticipates from Israel that will boost the Hungarian economy, that will boost Hungary. From the tiny country of Israel. What does Viktor Orbán expect? Because I don't see why this is so important for the Hungarian economy.

But I can see how important it would be for us to trade with the Gulf States, to establish economic relations. How important it would be to have normal connections with the East. Because I am going to move on to talk about the third path of Our Homeland Movement, and then it will be clear to everyone exactly where I am heading with this. But before I talk about the third way, I would like to leave you with one very important word to remember about today.

Not just the word that we have written on the wall here, which is the word "unwavering". And not just because everyone knows where we Hungarians use this word the most, but because one of the most important messages of our programme is that we are unwavering. Why do I say unwaveringly? It is because we are the ones who do not change our political principles, we do not change our friends and allies based on whether they are successful or less successful in their own countries at the moment. We keep our friends and we keep our allies. Because we have principles. And that is a very important message.

But the word unwavering sends a different message as well. If something is unwavering, it means that it is not wobbling. It means it is in balance. So the most important message of our policy is that we have to create a balance, a balance in world politics, where Hungary can find its place. Because Hungary, given its characteristics, must strive to achieve such a balance, a position of stability, otherwise someone is going to colonise us.

It has happened quite a few times in history. And we do not want to be colonised. At the moment, it is the European Union that wants to colonise us. We do not want that either. And this balance means that we must now also start to move in a non-Western direction, because this is as close as we can get to the so-called West, although I do not like that word, and in a minute I will explain why. We cannot get any closer. America cannot interfere into our daily lives any more than the American ambassador already does.

Every week, he comments on how we Hungarians should think about family. He intervenes even when he publishes a picture of his two young sons with his male partner. He should not send us messages like that. We do not want to see it. That picture is sad enough. He should not tell us who we should ally ourselves with. He should not have any say in whether we are going to Russia as election observers. We will decide on that. Our Homeland Movement will decide whether we have the time for that, but he will not make that decision for us, that is for sure.

The fact is that in this quest for balance, we must therefore find those allies, in the global sense, that Hungary has not even sought out yet. Because Hungary has no normal diplomatic activity. There is no US embassy in Bahrain, the financial centre of the aforementioned Gulf countries. After all, that is where the richest people in the world keep their money. Why should there be a Hungarian embassy there? Why seek a market for Hungarian businesses, for Hungarian farmers? Why would the Hungarian economy need it?
What is Fidesz doing now? Using ambassadorships as a political graveyard for bribed former right-wing politicians. Well, it doesn't always work out, like in the case of János Bencsik, for example, with the role of consul-general in Toronto, even though it was supposed to be his share from Fidesz. He accused us of being the henchmen of Fidesz until he himself finally became a henchman of Fidesz, and the embassies are full of left-liberal politicians as well as right-wing ones.

Wherever I travel in the world, whenever I step into an embassy, I always see a familiar face, I've seen them on TV somewhere. They bribed these old politicians. This is not how Hungarian diplomacy should work. And at embassies I should not be seeing young girls straight out of university, who always turn out to be someone's sweethearts. That's not how diplomacy should work.

The way to manage diplomacy should be to send people who speak the language of the country, have local, personal contacts, understand the economy and can market for an independent, sovereign Hungarian economy. These would be the tasks of foreign policy, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. This is not what they are doing. They put on a show, they make good videos, but they have no valuable achievements.

And when I said that we need to find allies with whom we can fight against globalism, the good news is that the world is full of such allies. Not only in Europe. As far as Europe is concerned, I will be brief, it is very simple. The only partners we have in Europe at the moment are those, many of whom are here now, who have the task, which is the same as that of Our Homeland Movement, namely to take over the government. In the Netherlands, in Sweden, in Germany, in Bulgaria, in Hungary, in every European country, and finally in Brussels, this is our task.

If we have taken the lead, if we have won, then it is very simple, we have to decide what we are going to do with this European Union, either we change it and it becomes a federation of sovereign independent European nations, an economic union, or we abolish it and we replace it with something else. Either with two-state agreements, with agreements between countries, we will also create some kind of European federation, because we need a European federation, but we do not need a United States of Europe controlled by financiers, by globalists. It is as simple as that.

As far as the world is concerned, as I said on 23 October: with global openings, with global unity against globalism. Because globalism, globalists are international. The only way to defeat them is through international cooperation, but the good news is that we not only have the European allies I mentioned earlier, and they are getting stronger, but there are many people around the world who do not want the world we have now and have been living in for the last 10 years.

We have to find the allies, we have to find them in the Gulf countries, we have to find them in the East, we have to find them in the West, in the South, all over the world, and believe me that such alliances can be built that can defeat these global or globalist tyrants.

And finally, about the third way.

As for the third way, although I have already talked a lot about it, perhaps the most important part is the part I have not yet explained, and I will try to explain it briefly in a few sentences, and that is our economic vision. It is very important, because without it we will not survive here, in the Carpathian Basin. It is obvious, and I do not want to say any more about this, that we are anti-globalists, and we do not want the type of globalism that we are seeing in more and more places in the world today, which wants to deprive people of their basic rights to freedom.

Again, this was well tested during the Covid-dictatorship, and it seemed to work, because there was not as much resistance as there should have been, and we see this in thousands of different areas, in thousands of different spheres. The question is, if we are going against globalists, if we are going against globalism, what kind of economic concept is it that we can use to make our country and our homeland viable.

I would like to say one very, very important thing in this regard, which is also addressed to the patriotic forces in Europe, because I see serious problems in this area. My friend Thierry, a very good friend of mine from the Netherlands, is here, he is the president of a Dutch parliamentary party. So I say this specifically to Thierry, I am glad that there is simultaneous interpretation, so he understands me.

I have a question for you, Thierry. Geert Wilders, an ally of Fidesz, who is considered to be on the national side just like you and me, who is known as a national extremist, anti-globalist here in Hungary, who is married to a Hungarian woman, so he comes to Hungary a lot, he attends the events of Fidesz. He now has a serious chance of finally stopping migration, of becoming prime minister of the Netherlands. My question to you, Thierry, is whether Geert Wilders wants to be prime minister of Israel or prime minister of the Netherlands. Based on what he has said, or even what he has posted on Twitter - now called X - I can't decide.

I cannot decide why it is that European national forces have to take sides, as in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. How is it that, the day before yesterday in Strasbourg, I was unable to make a speech on migration and anti-globalist restrictive measures because there was no time to do so, because European politicians were debating the Israeli-Palestinian crisis well beyond the time limit.

With a passion I have never seen in the European Parliament building, as I have just seen in Strasbourg. I have never seen European politicians debating so passionately about issues that affect us, about restrictions, about the destruction of our economy, about migration, about any other issue.

What happened to the Europeans? Well, the Europeans ruled the whole world. What about the Europeans now? Why can't the Europeans take care of themselves? It doesn't work like this on other continents. They do not beat each other up in parliament arguing about European issues. Yesterday, in Strasbourg, the debate almost escalated into physical violence. I sat in silence and did not contribute to this debate. It wasn't about us, so I didn't say anything.

So we also need to see that the kind of politics that Fidesz is now trying to implement in Hungary as national politics, and that many European parties with whom we should basically have the same path, are doing nothing other than trying to turn existing problems into hatred in order to get more votes and more power and money.

What do we achieve by berating Muslims day and night? Like Geert Wilders. We grind the Koran, we burn the Koran. What do we achieve with it? Provoking Islam. Why? What we should do is much simpler.

The first point that I have to make in connection with the European parliamentary elections, and which all the forces that love their European homelands must stand for, is to say stop, stop migration, zero, no migration. If our country is fundamentally ours, then there is no such issue, so why are European politicians not talking about it? Zero migration, no mass migration, no foreign workers.

Europe belongs to Europeans, Hungary belongs to Hungarians. Then there are no culture wars in Europe. It is as simple as that.

Why should it be a problem for us if Islam is the state religion in Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia? What has that got to do with us? It is their culture, their tradition, their world, their country. If I go there, as the Romans in Rome, I respect their culture and honour their customs. If they come here, they have to respect our culture, our customs. It's as simple as that.

When Qatar hosts the football world cup, and so-called Westerners go there with the rainbow flag to provoke, to spread LGBTQ propaganda? Provocation. All mass migrations throughout history have led to conflicts, wars, pogroms. That must be stopped. And all civilizations must respect each other. We have to respect each other, whether it is the Islamic civilisation or the Northern civilisation. It is as simple as that.

And then we can trade with each other, establish economic relations.

During my travels, I have only met politicians, diplomats.

Never, not in Angola, not in the Gulf countries, not a single politician, for example on the plane from Luanda to Dubai, when I was on my way back from the Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly, sitting between an Iraqi and a Cambodian representative, talking about world politics, it never occurred to anyone, anywhere in the world, that we should open our borders.

They are not asking us to do this. The enemy is here. They're in Budapest and they're in Brussels. That's what we all have to understand, that's what we have to fight. That is what we must do. Israel will solve its own problems. The Islamic world is also solving its own problems. But when will we Europeans and Hungarians solve our own problems? We do not want world government, we do not want a global government. We reject all forms of world government. Whether it is political, whether it is economic, or whether it affects our health, like the WHO treaty. We reject everything, all of it.

Finally, the opportunities for our economic rise, focusing on Hungary, briefly because of the short time frame. Instead of a forced industrial policy, we need a structural policy, which means structural change, transformation and adaptation. What do we see today? What is the forced industrial policy as we call it? Fidesz's only economic innovation is to become a major battery manufacturing power. Fantastic. I am not against all battery factories, you can build them in the middle of the desert, like in Texas.

But it is unacceptable that in Hungary, for instance in Debrecen, and now we see the same in Szeged, our best quality agricultural lands are not ploughed but are being bulldozed, so that even our grandchildren will not be able to pursue agricultural cultivation there, and are being handed over to multinational companies who do nothing but serve the interests of Germany-based global corporations.

After all, they are here, in Hungary to serve the car manufacturers, BMW, Mercedes and others. This policy is anti-Hungarian policy. And in general, Fidesz's economic policy is anti-Hungarian because, while it supports the global giants, it does not actually support the Hungarian SME sector, the Hungarian agricultural sector, the Hungarian workers and the Hungarian people. That's the huge problem with it.

The fact that they have developed an economy where raw materials are imported from abroad. Foreign global capital runs the factories. With tax incentives, with building infrastructure for them, etc. The Hungarian can't even deliver their goods to the battery factory. And in the end, it will not be Hungarians who work there, but foreign workers, as we have now discovered. Where is the interest of Hungarians in this story? There is no Hungarian interest in this situation in the long term, as I said. I am sure that suitable solutions could be found, but not in this form.

What do we propose instead? What we propose is a structural policy, to examine where we need to change the structure of our economy. We need to look at the proportion of the food industry that we talk about so much. And then the data is quite devastating. We have to examine who is receiving the largest subsidies, who is carving out the largest slice of state interventions, and then we find, for example, the pharmaceutical industry, which is one of the many. The pharmaceutical industry is a very prominent one. The pharmaceutical industry that is killing people. I have to say that it is killing people. It's not just since Covid that we've been witnessing this, it's happening on a day-to-day basis.

When my friends from Western countries come here and stay for two-three days, there are two things they always tell me. The first is: “Why don't Hungarians smile on the streets?” That's one of the things they say, and we Hungarians could say a lot about it, but it's not just us Hungarians, it's also the Eastern Europeans, and it's the same with Bulgaria. We have had such a history, we have experienced such invasions in our lives, and we are still in such a miserable economic situation that there is nothing to be happy about.

But the other very important thing that they say is that here, if you turn on a television, all you see are pharmaceutical commercials. So, look at the slice of the Hungarian economy that the pharmaceutical industry is ripping off, while it contributes almost nothing to the Hungarian economy in terms of production. It does not benefit us, it just takes money and ruins the health of many people. This is not good. So the focus should not be on this, but on looking at how the countryside can be revived. We need to look at what we are good at. Budapest is good at tourism. What kind of touristic developments are there in Budapest? Zero, nothing. What is the state of the roads, are the roads even passable in Budapest?

They are not spending money on things that have huge potential. While there are a lot of tourists coming to Hungary, the government wants to buy an airport now. Fix Budapest first, tourists will find their way here anyway. There will be private capital to invest in the airport if there are a lot of people coming. And there are a lot of people coming to Hungary. And since I mentioned Budapest, what about the countryside? The Hungarian countryside is being completely depopulated. The rural Hungarian population is disappearing.

In our region, in the Southern Great Plain, the farms that were beautifully maintained, where the land was cultivated when I was a child, are now being bought by gypsies. They are not only from Hungary anymore, they are coming from Romania and Transylvania. As far as land is concerned, in the last ten years Fidesz has created a system of large estates. A large landholding system instead of the small landholding system that Professor Ángyán proposed back in the day. This is certainly not the foundation of the Hungarian future, so the Hungarian people are doomed, not only in Budapest, but also in the country side.

We, on the other hand, say that we should see what options we have. Let's boost the food industry with state intervention, the state is already intervening in the economy anyway, but they only want to intervene in the Hungarian economy when supporting the global companies, and we want to intervene on behalf of the Hungarian people, on behalf of the Hungarians, and we want to get the Hungarian economy back on its feet, both in the countryside and in Budapest.

This is a long-term project, we have to think long-term when we want to reform the economy and make structural improvements in the economy. And there is one more important thing, we need to find markets. I have already talked about markets. Where will Viktor Orbán find markets? How can he, as Israel's toughest ally, go without saying a single word about the fact that the day before yesterday in Strasbourg, the official figures given by the Palestinian representative, which were not contradicted by the Israeli representative present, were about the murder of 10,000 children.

So I repeat, ten thousand children were killed in an area smaller than Budapest in a few months. Well, if that's not genocide, than what is genocide? And nobody speaks out in Brussels at a time like this. Viktor Orbán does not address this in the parliament in Budapest. With this policy, where he could at least speak up in the case of a humanitarian disaster, with this policy, he will go to the Turkic Council in vain next time to talk about Kipchaks.

Turkey will not trade or establish economic relations with him. How will he go to the Gulf countries? How will he go to Qatar? How will he go to these rich countries with deserts but with lots of money. There is no better market for the Hungarian economy than what they have there. We can sell everything there. 25,000 Hungarian bee-keeping families are going broke at the moment. Not the bees, but the beekeeping Hungarians. And they would be queuing up for Hungarian honey in the Gulf countries. I was told this by the local diplomats.

Has the Minister for Agriculture taken a single step in this matter? He has done nothing. I will have to negotiate with, for example, the Ambassador of Qatar about how Hungarian beekeepers can export their products. In this situation, therefore, if Hungary finds its markets, its international markets, on the basis of mutual respect, by stating that we want not only economic relations, but that if there is no migration, then we can respect each other's cultures, there will be no conflicts between us, and incidentally, in this economic and world political context, we can even clarify that, my dear friends, the term 'Western civilisation' is a misnomer.

There is no such thing as Western civilisation. There is Northern civilization. The Dutch, the German, the Hungarian, the Bulgarian, the Russian are all one civilisation. It is a piece of fiction that there is a West and there is an East. There is no such thing here, in Europe, my dear friends. If we look at our history, if we look at the origins of the Russian people, we see that they even have a common thread with the Vikings. If we look at their culture, if we look at their classical music, European classical music, we see that the Russians belong to this civilisation.

If you look at the processes, if you look at the politics, it's basically the same civilisation. The same things happened to them, even communism. Where did Marx and Engels come from? Even that is of the same civilisation. But now, if we look at the map of Russia, what is the map of Russia showing us? That they have still retained the territory that they colonised.

They expanded that way, the Westerners expanded towards America. They kept their territories, Russia was still a huge empire. The same processes took place, they expanded eastwards, the west expanded across the Atlantic. So there is no such thing as a Western and Eastern civilisation within Europe. There is just one civilisation, the northern civilisation.

There's the North American civilisation with Canada and the United States, the first civilization that wasn't built on tradition. Europe and the Northern civilisation was built on tradition. It was born out of that, it's what nourishes our alliance to this day. There is room for many things in this world, in this world political and world economic balance, there is even room for the new Silk Road, because it restores the balance that existed before the Middle Ages - what we had before the colonisation of America.

China surpassed most of pre-15th century Europe in terms of economic indicators, even in terms of inventions. Very few people are aware of this. These two worlds, two civilisations, the Eastern, Chinese or even Japanese civilisation, have to trade. It needs to establish economic relations with Europe, but we do not want to be a colony of China either. Nor am I saying that we do not need the United States of America. America will still be a leading power in the coming decades. It will still be a strong economy.

If there is ever to be an American president…there is Mr Kennedy, for example, who has said some very good things, and I think my friend Thierry met him in the United States of America. But Kennedy is not the only one of the presidential candidates who seems to be promising and who also represents the policy in the United States of America that they should withdraw from the role of being the world’s policeman. Then we can establish economic relations with the United States of America. At the moment we cannot, because we are part of their colonial system.

They need to change this, they need a new American leadership, and I wish them good luck, it's not going to be easy for them to somehow defeat the Deep State. However, as I said, we, here in Hungary have a concept, we know what we want, and in order to go down this road, this very, very difficult road, and in order for this whole concept to work, our goal and our task must be nothing less than victory.

This will not be given easily. If we remain united, if we unite here in Hungary, the national forces will continue to move together along this path. If these alliances remain strong in Europe and we can find our allies in the world against the globalists, we can win.

And if we win, then we will fix Hungary, and with such an economy we will have a prosperous Hungary, where lands will be distributed, where the countryside will be populated, where there will be children, where there will be happy, smiling Hungarian families, and we will not end up with a statistical year like last year, which had the lowest birth rate in our history.

So this is the noble task that awaits us. With this mission, I invite you to continue the battle, to fight and, as we have said, to keep on going, to victory. Thank you for coming.


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