Newsletter 13 June 2024

14 juni 2024 | Forum for Democracy Intl

The European elections were a disappointment for FVD, whose voters seemed to have abstained. We did not win a seat. But they were a disappointment at European level as well. The much-trailed populist breakthrough failed to materialise – rather like the non-existent ‘red wave’ at the mid-term elections in the US in 2022. David Engels has analysed the results and concludes that they may affect national politics here and there – especially in France, where their effect has been devastating – but that otherwise the euro-juggernaut will continue its inexorable journey. Some trends are bad: in Hungary and Poland, for instance, the conservatives’ results have been mixed, while overall the hegemony of the extreme centre has been consolidated. The dogs bark, the caravan moves on.

Read David Engels' article here



The youth movement of FVD held its annual party – er, sorry, Congress – on the beach at Scheveningen this week. Apart from Thierry Baudet’s speech, which was spectacular, the highlight was a short lecture by the British philosopher and media phenomenon, Carl Benjamin of The Lotus Eaters. For Carl, the key to what we call ‘wokeism’ is the foundational myth of liberalism since the 17th century: the myth of the social contract. For centuries, liberals have based their political action on a destructive fiction – that man somehow once existed outside society and that society is the source of his current ‘chains’ (Rousseau). Carl has kindly agreed to write up his lecture, which he gave without notes, and we are honoured to publish it.

Read Carl Benjamin on the social contract here



John Laughland, FVD International’s director, was interviewed by Lembit Öpik on TNT radio recently. They covered the wars in Israel and Ukraine and also discussed Kosovo: in short, the various fronts in Nato’s multi-faceted proxy conflicts. Öpik is an interesting figure: a former Liberal Democrat MP and media personality in Britain, he seems to ask a lot of interesting questions - and to have dangerously original views. No doubt that is why he did not last long in the House of Commons.

Listen to John Laughlands interview here



Elze van Hamelen is a journalist from the dissident newspaper De Andere Krant and she was our guest this week on The Forum, our weekly X-Space. If you missed it, you can listen back to it by clicking below.

Listen to The Forum here



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John Laughland,
Director FVD International


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