Newsletter 30 May 2024

31 mei 2024 | Forum for Democracy Intl

Andrew Tate is one of the most famous people in the world. This week Thierry Baudet was his guest in Romania for his ‘Emergency Meeting’ video podcast, on the future of Europe. Thierry is surely the only politician anywhere who stuck up for the Tates while they were in prison in Romania, something the brothers have not forgotten. In an hour of intense discussion, Thierry and Andrew Tate covered pretty much everything with gusto – climate hysteria, the war in Ukraine, the suicide of the West. As he had already shown the world during his interview with Tucker Carlson, Tate is smart: the shtick about being “just a dumb kickboxer” is a charming example of British understatement, quite unexpected coming from him. It was striking that Tate listened very attentively to what Thierry had to say - and clearly appreciated it deeply. We hope you do too.

Watch Thierry and Andrew Tate here



At the Members’ day held in the Second Chamber of the Dutch parliament on 18 May, FVD International Director, John Laughland, gave an hour-long lecture on the emerging multipolar world order and the end of Western hegemony. John’s conviction is that the West is losing politically, economically, morally and – perhaps most surprising of all – militarily. Neither the economic warfare unleashed against Russia nor the proxy war NATO is fighting in Ukraine is working: instead, war is the great breaker of illusions, above all the illusion that the indebted, dis-industrialised and self-hating West is capable of ruling the world, as it tried to do after the end of the Cold War. The end is nigh.

See the slides from John's lecture here



We learned this week that the Ukrainian man who hit Thierry Baudet hard over the head with an umbrella in Ghent last year will not be prosecuted. He has been let off with a warning. Shortly before that, the Belgian authorities handed down a one-year prison sentence to a man for being part of a chat group which shared offensive memes. The message is simple: you can attack right-wing politicians if you want, because we attack them anyway for what they say and think. FVD’s Brent Hadderingh sums up the unbearable abuses of the judicial system which are unfortunately becoming the norm.

Read Brent Hadderingh's article here



If you missed this week’s X-Space, on the reaction in Iran to the death of President Raisi, with our guest Ehsan Safarnejad, you can listen back to it by clicking below.

Listen to The Forum here



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This is not possible without your help

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John Laughland,
Director FVD International


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