Political persecution in the Netherlands: A personal message from MP Gideon van Meijeren

13 september 2023 | Forum for Democracy Intl

Dear FVD Supporters, 

It is with a heavy heart that I turn to you. Today, with only a few months left until the elections, I have become the subject of a politically motivated prosecution. The public prosecutor is charging me with sedition. The charge revolves around statements I made a year ago and which were taken out of context.

I do not need to explain to you that the highly dubious timing of this prosecution is no coincidence. The charges are designed to harm me and Forum for Democracy, just as we are preparing for our crucial election campaign. Launching legal proceedings is a common trick to frustrate renewal movements, to suppress the voice of the people and to weaken democracy further. Fortunately, more and more people are seeing through this.

Clearly, we are dealing with a government willing to go to extremes to stop us. But take it from me: as your representative, I cannot and will not remain silent. I will never give in to pressure. I will continue to speak the truth and resist the forces of political manipulation and the abuse of power. But to keep it up, I need your support - now more than ever.

On 22 November, we have the chance to send a very strong message. Through the ballot box, we can make it clear that the persecution of political opponents will not be tolerated in the Netherlands. We will, if it is up to me, vote massively for change.

Against the dismantling of our democracy by the party cartel, of which this indictment is yet another example, Forum for Democracy puts forward a programme of hope and recovery. A plan to give the Netherlands the free and democratic future it deserves. And there is nothing to stop me from remaining fully committed to this!


Gideon van Meijeren MP


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