The Weekly Forum - 18 October

18 oktober 2024 | Forum for Democracy Intl

Thierry Baudet was in Paris recently where he gave a long interview to TV Libertés, the prominent alternative television station. The presenter, Martial Bild, had really done his homework and asked excellent questions. Why is FVD not in the current government with Wilders? What does FVD think of the new government’s immigration policy? Thierry’s answers were clear and radical: FVD has very little in common with Wilders’ Freedom Party, especially since it has backpedalled on Nexit but also because of very substantial disagreements on climate policy, Covid and Ukraine. Perhaps the most arresting part of the interview was when Thierry called for remigration and not just an end to immigration (which in any case is impossible to achieve within the EU). Bild is a professional who does not show his personal opinions but one could not help feeling that he took in what Thierry said as if breathing in fresh air.

Watch Thierry calling for a Nexit here

Watch Thierry on remigration here



In a speech to the Second Chamber (Lower House) of the Dutch States-General (Parliament) during a debate on the European Council held in Brussels in 17 and 18 March, Thierry Baudet not only reiterated FVD’s absolute commitment to peace in Ukraine – that is, to an end to the current policy of fighting a proxy war there – but also protested strongly against the use by the USA of lawfare to arrest political opponents. The most recent victim is Bitcoin investor Roger Ver, currently being held in Spain on an American warrant. Roger Ver is only the latest in a long list of such victims. Europe must not only stop doing the Americans’ bidding, it must actively resist US legal terror – especially when, as in this case, the victim is not even a US citizen.

Watch Thierry's speech here

Read an extract of the speech here



And while we are on the subject of the abuse of state power for political purposes, do the Dutch secret services spy on members of parliament? Last year the Dutch spooks at AIVD produced a report saying that anti-globalist narratives which allege that the world is governed by an elite are a danger to democracy and might be a reason to ban a political party. FVD MP Gideon van Meijeren asked the current Prime Minister (and former head of the AIVD), Dick Schoof, whether the secret services are currently acting on that report. Do they spy on MPs? Guess what - Schoof refused to answer the question.

Watch Gideon's questions here

Read about Gideon's questions to the PM here



Our guest this week on The Forum, our weekly podcast, was Stuart Fischbein, an obstetrician who campaigns against the over-medicalisation of childbirth. He was a superb speaker. If you missed it, you can listen back by clicking below.

Watch the Forum & Friends here



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