The Weekly Forum - 23 January

24 januari 2025 | Forum for Democracy Intl

Lidewij de Vos has got off to a flying start in her new role as a member of the Dutch parliament. (She is replacing Thierry Baudet, on paternity leave for several weeks.) In a committee hearing, she asked the minister for climate policy what she thought about previous examples of climate change, for instance in the Middle Ages when it was warmer and then a colder period which followed that. In response, she got a word salad, seasoned with cheap emotional jabs designed to give the floundering minister the moral upper hand. But she did not get an answer. When one watches these exchanges, one can only be struck not only by the breathtaking ignorance of these ministers who are in office but not in power, but also and above all by their sheer refusal even to hear - still less contemplate or respond to – any fundamental questions such as the ones Lidewij put.

Watch Lidewij question the minister here

Not only is there a refusal to hear, there is also a refusal to see.  FVD MP Gideon van Meijeren produced a plastic model of a 22-week-old foetus in a committee discussion about abortion last week. Abortions are allowed up to 24 weeks in the Netherlands and yet the foetus at that stage basically looks like a new-born baby. No sooner had he displayed the model than the Chairman interrupted to prevent him from speaking.  Another MP tried to grab the model from Gideon; the livestream was immediately switched off. Gideon was not allowed to continue, even though there are no rules against showing objects in the Dutch parliament. Human kind, evidently, cannot bear too much reality. The video of the event, and Gideon’s subsequent explanation of the methods of surgical abortion, has gone viral and was reported by the influential Catholic website, Life Site News based in Canada. If you can bear the details, you should read the text.

Read the Article here

Ralf Dekker again attempted to convince the Second Chamber to debate the secret NATO obligations which, FVD has discovered, all NATO governments are under but which nobody – not even national parliaments - is allowed to know about. One by one, the political parties represented in the lower house got up to say there should not be such a debate, or that it should take place another time. Yet such secret obligations jeopardise the very basis of democracy because they are classified. So, for the second time, the representatives of the Dutch people declined to do their job, which is to hold their own government to account. They preferred instead to give globalist NATO the benefit of the doubt. Their refusal is all the more shocking given that the journalist Eric van de Beek has received confirmation from NATO that these obligations are indeed classified top secret by NATO itself.

Watch Ralf in Parliament here

Read Eric van de Beek’s article here

Carl Benjamin was superb as our guest on The Forum this week, discussing race relations and immigration in Britain and Europe. If you missed it, you can watch the podcast by clicking below.

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