The Weekly Forum - 6 December
06 december 2024 | Forum for Democracy Intl
Thierry Baudet was summoned to the police once more this week for questioning about two campaign videos FVD produced during the November 2023 elections. Might they have offended someone? Might they have encouraged discrimination? These could be criminal offences! The videos deal with LGBT issues, especially trans ideology promoted in schools, and immigration – the two big flagship policies of what we should call the ideology of ‘dissolutionism’ - dissolution of the nation by changing its ethnic base, dissolution of the family by pretending that two people of the same sex can have children. The fact that the Dutch equivalent of P.C. Plod is on the case recalls the numerous knocks at the door which have occurred recently in Britain and Ireland to arrest perpetrators of so-called hate crimes, ‘hate speech’ being one of the main pretexts for censorship. Yet if a political party cannot campaign in favour of the nation and the family, without being intimidated by the police – which is anti-constitutional in many countries - then there is no democracy left at all.
FVD International director, John Laughland, was a guest on RT’s Crosstalk last week, to discuss the decision taken by ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden (subsequently filmed nodding off during a summit meeting in Africa) to attack Russia with American cruise missiles guided by America. How would America react if Russian guided missiles were targeted at Texas from Mexico? John emphasized two points: the extreme difficulty of knowing what will happen next, because history is often made on the basis of split-second decisions, and the equally immense difficulty of envisaging any negotiated outcome to the current conflict, the enmity between Russia and the West having now reached what appears to be a point of no return.
We are once again honoured to publish the indefatigable Vaclav Klaus, this time on the world order. Klaus correctly points out that a new world order is emerging and the old one disappearing. But what will that order be, and what is meant by ‘order’ anyway? Klaus’ response is that the key to any new arrangement will be pragmatism. He rejects absolutism and urges compromise. This is because the notion of ‘order’ is itself misunderstood. Klaus does not quote Hayek or Oakeshott but his thinking clearly draws in these two great philosophers who explained precisely that order is about habit and custom and that it does not have, and should not have, the illusory certainty claimed by rationalism.
We discussed the Ukraine war on The Forum this week with Professor Glenn Diesen, professor of politics at the University of South-East Norway, and Dr Rainer Rothfuss, a member of the German Bundestag and a former professor of political geography at the University of Tübingen. You won’t find many debates like this anywhere else.