The Weekly Forum - 3 October

07 oktober 2024 | Forum for Democracy Intl

As the weeks of the strange new Dutch government turn into months – a government headed by a former spy chief, in which no national party leaders are ministers - it seems as if the Duke of Lampedusa is writing the script: ‘Everything must change so that everything stays the same.’ FVD is now the only party opposing and questioning the uniparty’s dogmas, Geert Wilders’ PVV having been effectively absorbed into the blob. This was recently illustrated when Thierry Baudet asked Prime Minister Schoof about education policy, and specifically whether LGBT values should be taught in schools. Should young children be exposed to trannies? Schoof gave one of his wooden non-answers, trying to kick the question into touch by saying research was being done into the matter, but not before he upbraided Thierry for claiming that transgenderism was not normal. In other words, Schoof’s main concern was to virtue-signal, to pretend that something abnormal is indeed normal, instead of answering the question whether children should be exposed to, or protected from, such people.

Watch Thierry's questions about LGBT in schools here



FVD is also the only opposition on Taiwan – because it is the only party which thinks. The whole Lower House of the Dutch parliament except FVD recently signed off on a motion put down by Jan Paternotte. Evidently taking dictation from the State Department, Paternotte called for Taiwan to be admitted to two UN agencies as an independent state. But Taiwan does not claim to be an independent state, it claims (absurdly) to represent the whole of China. The official name of Taiwan is The Republic of China – the old Chiang Kai-Shek regime defeated in 1949. You might as well say the German government is composed of some crazy exiles in Argentina: this is not serious politics. But the question is not why a US servant like Paternotte puts down a motion. The question is, why does no one else contest it, except FVD?

Watch Thierry Baudet's statement here



Can Kamala Harris win? Yes, says Stephen Baskerville – because her electorate is composed of adolescent girls. We are not governed by globalists or Big Pharma but instead by teenyboppers. Stephen Baskerville is a masterful analyst of the emasculation of the West: girls have replaced men in our societies. The key to our problems lies in the destruction of fathers. The patriarchy was smashed by left-wing ideologues who have hated it since Engels. The problem could be solved if conservatives had not themselves been rendered impotent by feminization.

Read the article by Stephen Baskerville here



Dr Astrid Stuckelberger, a former employee of the World Health Organisation, was our guest on The Forum this week. Her arguments are deeply impressive. In particular, she explains how all the rules of medical science were torn up during the so-called Covid pandemic. If you missed it, click below.

Watch the Forum & Friends here



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John Laughland,
Director FVD International


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