The Weekly Forum - 10 October

11 oktober 2024 | Forum for Democracy Intl

The legal onslaught against Forum for Democracy, and thus against democracy itself, is gathering pace. In a single week, Thierry Baudet was questioned by police about two campaign videos the party made during last year’s election campaign, while FVD MP Pepijn van Houwelingen had to attend court facing charges of insulting a minister, because of an irreverent meme he posted briefly some time ago. The videos were about immigration and LGBT, the meme was about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. These are indeed three core totems of globalism. The use of judicial harassment to suppress opposition recalls Anatole France’s remark about the French republic: the system governs badly but defends itself well. This is obviously a democratic outrage because if they can prosecute elected members of parliament, how much easier will it be to suppress the expression of dissident opinion – or even jokes – made by ordinary citizens?

Read about the legal action against FVD here

Read about the prosecution of Pepijn van Houwelingen here



The fight continues, nonetheless. Last week, FVD’s Lidewij de Vos attended an International Women’s Congress in Cologne, organised by the new Europe of Sovereign Nations party which FVD has just joined. There were delegates from Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Lithuania and Poland. The East-West imbalance is no coincidence: as the vitriolic reaction against Viktor Orban in the European Parliament this week showed, the EU - dominated by Western Europe - has become a veritable freak show of cretinous adolescent leftism. (Watch the videos of MEPs singing a Communist song in the chamber to understand.) This is why it is essential to discuss the issues facing Europe today at their root - namely the strange desexualising of the role of men and women in society. Marxism, which many MEPs evidently espouse, has wanted to end patriarchy ever since Marx and Engels denounced the family; today, immigration, viewed through the lens of sexual politics, is the importation of “low IQ, high testosterone” (Thierry Baudet) military-aged men into a continent where European men have been emasculated. In other words, politics is, ultimately, all about sex.

Watch Lidewij's interview here

Read Lidewij's article here



Does Eastern Europe perhaps begin in Central Europe? And is the fight starting to bring some fruit there? The East-West split is very clear in Germany, where FVD’s allies, AfD, have been winning regional elections in the former East Germany but not in the West. The same goes for Austria, where the Freedom Party (FPÖ) just won the national elections. East Germany and Austria, in their different ways, were spared the Charakterwäsche imposed on West Germany during the Cold War, which has produced the generation of nutters who lambasted Viktor Orban in Strasbourg this week. But will these electoral victories lead to anything, or will it be business as usual, as in France, where the system continues to remain in power despite repeatedly losing elections? Vienna-based political scientist, Ulrike Reisner, gives FVD International her point of view this week.

Read Ulrike Reisner's article here



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John Laughland,
Director FVD International


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